Adobe recently launched a new app named Spark, so I thought I would spend some time playing around with it while I was also working on updating my brand. With this playtime, I worked out some new marketing copy, changed my tagline to represent my total brand package, and added a door image I would like to use on my soon-to-come new website’s landing page.

Spark gives you some nice DIY options for creating social media templates which announce events, sales, special stories, etc. You can even design your own made-from-scratch designs and templates, but with limitations.

However, for a designer who likes more control in the process, I found this app to be limiting. I couldn’t do things like properly space lines as I would like, nor could I control certain effects to make type more legible when on top of photos. Type selections are also limited, primarily in the areas of scripts and decoratives, however, the choices for sans serifs are fairly decent. The script I used in this sample on-line flyer is difficult to read, but was the only option available that worked with my image.

As with any DIY platform, novices will be tempted to create unconventional combinations of type and color selections, whereas those who have a good eye for design will appreciate the ease of putting together small branded campaigns.

Spark is easy to set up, has several templates to get you started, and future updates are designed so that you can maintain your branded format through changes made only to your images and words. This leaves your framework and other elements, like your logo, intact.

Overall, I think that as long as you stick with a minimal selection of fonts and your select color scheme and style, your brand message will be consistent and future updates will be a breeze. Keep in mind, however, that content is king. Marketing copy can be tricky to write, and imagery needs to be professional and in support of your brand’s message. This is a huge part of what I love about my job… I get to help client’s take their brands to the next level through carefully crafted words and images.

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As this build continues, you can visit me on social media to see some of my current and past works:


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UPDATE: I’m finding parts of this app to be a bit buggy, and there is NO undo. If you make a mistake and accidentally delete an important photo box from a set template, you have to start all over with a new template. I’m also still playing around with the social media icons, so will update this image again once I’ve fully figured out how they can be applied.















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